Section 1- oratop and database/instance specifics
spid :oratop's server SPID connected to instance,
SID :instance name (First 4 letters), clock :Time of current stats collected (hh24:mi:ss) time :uptime since this instance startup, ins :Total number of active database instance(s), MT :database total memory (sum Memory_Target), ses :Total user's sessions, usr :Total distinct database foreground (F/G) users, %DB :%database Active, 0 0ndicate idle dbSection 2- Cluster-wide "Top 5 instances activity" ordered by Wait Time ID :instance id, %HC :Host CPU Utilization, %(busy/busy+idle), HLD :Current Host Load, MBPS :throughput, 'I/O Megabytes per Second', %FR :Shared Pool Free %, PGAU :total PGA inuse, IORL :Avg Synchronous Single-Block Read Latency, PQS :PQ Slave Session Count, ASC :Active Sessions on CPU, ASI :Active Sessions waiting on user i/o, ASW :Active Sessions waiting/sleeping, AST :Total Active Sessions, ASB :Active Sessions blocked, AAS :Average Active Sessions, CTPS :(CPS) User Calls Per Sec, OR, (TPS) User Transactions Per Sec (appears in RED), SSRT :SQl service Response time, DBC :database cpu time ratio, DBW :database wait time ratio.Section 3- Cluster-wide "Top 5 Timed Events" ordered by Wait Time EVENT :database wait event, WAITS :cluster average Total waits, TIME(s) :cluster average Total wait time in seconds), AVG_MS ::cluster Average wait time in milliseconds, PCT :Percent of wait time, WAIT_CLASS :Name of the wait class corresponding to the event.Section 4- Session/process none-idle ordered by Wait Time desc. ID :instance id, SID :session id, SPID :server process os pid, USR :user name (abbreviated), PROG :program name (abbreviated), PGA :process pga used, OPN :OPERATION name, e.g. SELECT, SQLID :SQL identifier if no blocker, else, /BLOCKR :final blocking instance:session:ospid, E/T :Elapsed Time since the session has become active. Units: (s)econds, (M)inutes, (h)our, (d)ay. STATUS :ACTIVE | INACTIVE | KILLED | CACHED | SNIPED, STE :Process STATE: ON CPU or USR I/O or WAITING, WAIT_EVENT :process wait event name, W/T :Wait Time. Units: (u)-micro second, (m)illi second, (s)econds, (M)inutes, (h)our, (d)ay.